Sunday, October 12, 2008

What...that's not a Leaf!

This was a beautiful morning in mid October, birds chirping, leaves falling…well all but this one that was stuck to the ceiling in on our front porch. Zeus was very curious as it was fluttering but did not seem to un-stick from the ceiling. So I opened the door and discovered it was not a leaf but a moth! So I grabbed the camera to get a few pictures before it decided to journey on its adventures for the day. Zeus always seems to find the most fascinating creatures…and this was one of them. Take a look at this picture, you will agree that this is pretty strange that it was actually an insect and not a dead leaf. This is the time of the year when many a weird creature passes through our yard.

Well after all that excitement Zeus decided it was a good time to soak up some rays in the living room. This is something that he truly enjoys after breakfast, watching birds, leaves and apparently moths that look like leaves! He will stay there most of the day till the sun moves or he absorbs too much heat. Stay tuned for other fun and exciting creatures we come across through the season changes. It is definitely a world of adventure in your backyard!

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